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Terpenes vs. THC: What's More Important?


In the world of cannabis, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is often considered the most important aspect when choosing a strain. However, what many people don't realize is that there is another important aspect to consider when choosing a strain – terpenes.


Terpenes are the compounds responsible for the unique aroma and flavor of different cannabis strains, but they also have potential medicinal benefits that can impact the overall effects of a strain. Terpenes impact the body through a variety of mechanisms. For example, terpene myrcene has been shown to have sedative and pain-relieving effects. Besides, terpenes play a significant role in shaping the physiological and psychological effects of cannabis and botanical products.

Everyone's terpene preferences are different, so it's important to trust your sense of smell when choosing a strain. If you can't smell the terpenes, start identifying which ones work best for you and choose strains based on the terpene profile and percentage.

THC Percentage

THC percentage is considered to be a measurement of the amount of THC present in a cannabis product. Generally, It indicates the potency and strength of the product's psychoactive effects. So, if you've tried a strain with a high THC percentage and didn't have the experience you were hoping for, it's possible that the terpene profile wasn't right for you.

In fact, you might find that a strain with a lower THC percentage but a higher terpene percentage can have a stronger effect on your body than a strain with a higher THC percentage but lower terpene percentage.


The next time you're selecting a strain, don't just focus on the THC percentage, consider the terpene profile as well. You might be surprised at how much of a difference it can make in your overall cannabis experience!


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